Key information and statistics on AEWV
Accreditation applications opened on 23 May 2022, Job Check applications opened on 20 June 2022 and work visa applications opened on 4 July 2022.
As at 16 July 2024 Immigration New Zealand (INZ) has approved 123,124 AEWV applications, and there are 35,781 accredited employers.
As at 16 July 2024
- INZ has undertaken 4,180 post-accreditation checks on 3,031 employers. An additional 369 are underway.
- The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) has received 3,539 complaints against accredited employers. This number only indicates an allegation involving an accredited employer has been received, not whether the allegation can be substantiated.
- There are currently 291 active investigations on 281 accredited employers underway (as some are duplicates).
- 398 employers have had their accreditation revoked and 66 have had their accreditation suspended.
- 37 employers are under assessment to have their accreditation revoked and there is 1 employer under assessment to have their accreditation suspended. Revocations and suspensions can occur due to a range of reasons, and a number are due to liquidation.
Job Change process
AEWV holders can apply to vary their employer, job, location, under the Job Change application process. This allows AEWV migrants greater certainty, including if they lose their job.
Contact us now if you have any questions related to the above!!